How do I enquire about a site?

The easiest way to enquire is by the “Contact Us” button on this page – after familiarising yourself with the content on this site. Alternatively, send an email direct to contact@bowhillriverholidayleasing.com.au, or speak with Shaun Argent at Commercial and Legal on 08 8206 8444.

Do I own the building on the land?

Any structures or fixed improvements on the land (erected before or during the lease term) belong to the land owner. The lease provides you with the right to occupy the land and any structures during the term of the lease provided you comply with all terms.

How much does a lease cost?

The annual lease amount of each site is priced individually with reference to an accredited valuation. Additionally tenants are responsible for Council Rates, ESL and any Land Tax.

If you acquire the balance of a leasehold interest from an existing tenant, the transfer arrangement and any cost, is a private arrangement between the parties – subject to consent from the landowner.

Please make your enquiry for your specific site of interest.

Can I sell the leasehold interest?

Absolutely. Provided you continue to comply with the lease terms, you may enter into a sale or transfer of the lease to another party (for the balance of the lease period) - with the consent of the Lessor.

This is the same concept as the sale of other leasehold properties - like Crown Leases, Pastoral Leases, ski lodges, hotels or pubs.  These lease arrangements have been in place for more than 60 years and there is a strong history of lease transfers at substantial value on these sites. Much of the value is preserved within the improvements that have been made to the buildings on the land and this is how tenants can generate and realise value for their input.  Alternatively, hang on to the lease or pass it down to your kids and continue to enjoy it with your family.

Can I use the property to let to others (I.e. AirBnB)?

Any arrangement whereby the tenant allows others to use the property for short or long term accommodation in return for any compensation is considered a ‘sub-lease’. Each instance may only be permitted with the prior consent of the Lessor. Not obtaining consent is a breach of the lease.

What is the longest lease available?

The longest single lease period is 6 years. However, some leases provide you 2 additional 6 year periods of renewal. This means if you comply with the terms of the lease, you could occupy the premises for 18 continuous years. If you continue to comply with the lease terms, you may negotiate to continue to lease the premises after the renewal periods expire so that your family can enjoy tenure well beyond 18 years. All at a comparatively far lesser outlay.

What is the shortest lease available?

One year

How do I find the lease terms?

A template of all lease alternatives are available to view on the Leasing page of this website. Please familiarise yourself before making an enquiry.

Can I sell the leasehold interest?

You may enter into a sale or transfer of the lease to another party (for the balance of the lease period) - with the consent of the Lessor.

Why are longer leases registered?

To protect your interest as the leaseholder (Lessee) providing you with greater security of tenure. The cost of registering the lease is therefore paid by the Lessee. It is not negotiable.

What renovations or improvements can I make?

All renovations and improvements must be made in accordance with Council Regulations and Building rules and only with the consent of the Lessor. Further specific information is provided below.

What developments are suitable to leased sites?

Carport, detached dwelling, dwelling addition, outbuilding (shed) and verandah.

Can I build all the way to the water’s edge?

You may only build within the title boundary and then only in accordance with Building and Council Planning rules. A strip of Crown Land runs adjacent the river at Bow Hill, buffering the house boundaries. Approximately 25m from the river bank to the title boundary is Crown Land. No building is permitted on Crown Land.

What can be done on Crown Land?

A strip of Crown Land runs adjacent the river at Bow Hill, buffering the house boundaries. Approximately 25m from the river bank to the title boundary is Crown Land. The Crown Land is not included within the lease area and no building is permitted on Crown Land. This section is often maintained as a flat, grassy area by the adjacent tenants and landowners. Any development must be approved by the Department of Environment Water and Natural Resources prior to construction and in accordance with the Development Act (1993). Crown Land belongs to the public and is not intended for exclusive private use. Encroachment into Crown Land includes unauthorised private developments such as recreational structures (i.e. gazebo), staircases, retaining walls, built in fire pits). It also includes inappropriate landscaping (e.g. native vegetation clearance) and storage of items, that give the impression that the Crown Land is private.

Are any properties for sale?

No properties are currently for sale – including vacant sites.

How do I lease vacant land?

You may enquire to lease land on a vacant site with the intention of erecting a dwelling on the site.

The sites of vacant land will not be leased to store caravans or tiny homes.

Can I use a caravan or tiny home on the property?

Caravans and tiny homes are permitted for short term use only. If a caravan or tiny home is connected to electricity, water or sewerage it is considered fixed to the land and is then subject to Planning Consent.

You must be considerate of neighbours when considering whether it appropriate to use noisy generators.

Use of a tent or caravan exceeding 7 days requires prior written consent of the Lessor.

Do I have access to a jetty?

Properties adjacent to the water may have access to a jetty. All jetties must be licenced and built in accordance with the relevant building rules.

Are there building restrictions to developments?

The maximum building height is 8m.

Shed, carport, verandah, outbuilding maximum size 60m2, 3m maximum wall/post height with 5m overall height. Structures located behind the front façade of the dwelling and not between main building and waterfront boundary. Located on side boundary for maximum length of 11.5m. Coloured/treated in non-reflective colour. Maintaining adequate soft landscaping.

  • Site Area (SA) <150m2 – 10%

  • SA 150-200m2 – 15%

  • SA 201-450m2 – 20%

  • SA >450m2 – 25%

  • 60m2 private open space.

What is the Hazard Overlay Policy?

Hazards (Bushfire – General) Overlay – Outbuildings setback 6m from the habitable building.

What is the Native Vegetation Overlay Policy?

Native Vegetation Overlay – Native Vegetation is not removed, or if proposed must be accompanied by a report prepared by a suitably qualified native vegetation consultant.

What is the River Murray Flood Plain Protection Area Overlay Policy?

Buildings should not exceed one building level in height.

  • Habitable and other valuable buildings have a minimum finished floor level of 5.27m (Australian Height Datum AHD) and maximum finished floor level of 4m above natural ground level.

  • Buildings are not closer than 50m to the waterfront.

  • Flood waters must be able to flow freely through undercroft areas of dwellings/dwelling additions that are wholly open or are fitted with roller doors on each side with a minimum width of 2.4m.

  • The undercroft area should not exceed 60m2 in area and not include habitable rooms however can include a wet area with maximum area of 15m2.

  • Jetties and floating pontoons should not extend more than 8m into the river measured from the bank, have a width not exceeding 1.4m, floating pontoons not exceed 3m by 6m and maintain a setback of 3m between river structures.

What is the Development Policies?

Dependent on the type of development proposed.

Where can I lodge a development application?

All applications are lodged via the Plan SA website.

How do I find the zoning and building code policy for a site?

The Plan SA website includes a search function where you can search up your property and a type of development and see what specific Code policy is applicable, here

Who can I contact for assistance with my application for my property?

Steve Tilbrook - SA Planning Assist



or the

Mid Murray Council



How do I enquire about a site?

The easiest way to enquire is by the “Contact Us” button on this page – after familiarising yourself with the content on this site.

Alternatively, send an email direct to contact@bowhillriverholidayleasing.com.au, or phone via Commercial and Legal on 08 8206 8444.


By visiting and using this site, you agree as follows:

  1. Information on this site is intended only to provide general information.  It is not intended to be complete or definitive.  Further professional advice should be sought before any action is taken in relation to matters contained on this site.  You should as a minimum conduct your own enquiries of the property and its services and the terms of the leases.

  2. You accept all risks and responsibility for loss, damage, costs and other consequences resulting from using this site.  You are also responsible for assessing the relevance and accuracy of any information or material available from this site.

  3. No warranty is made as to the accuracy or reliability of the information contained herein and the Owner disclaims all liability and responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may be suffered by any recipient through relying on anything contained or omitted from this site.